5 Years Gauge One Online Magazine spur1info

, von Friedhelm Weidelich (Kommentare: 1)

1.5 Million Visits

tl_files/bilder/Medien/_C020128.jpgToday we celebrate spur1info's fifth birthday.

Spur1info still is the only online magazine about gauge one worldwide. Over 12,000 photos and more than 1,600 articles have been published by spur1info in this timeframe. That's most likely more about gauge one scale models than all the printed magazines have published all over the world.

spur1info-Leser 2012-2017Readers click Spur1info every 30 seconds, very often even every 5 seconds. Over 1.5 million visits have been recorded in 5 years. 996,744 readers came back and clicked on about 2.5 pages. The percentage of foreign readers has risen each year. 26.3 % of the readers don't live in Germany which still has the largest share of readership.

2017: Readers from 48 Countries

It is very interesting to regards the shares of several countries every year. In 2017 the readers come from the following countries:


73.7 %


5.5 %


4.4 %


4.3 %


2.5 %


1.8 %


1.8 %


1.1 %


0.9 %


0.7 %

Most surprising is the share of American readers. My Piwik software counts 35 to 55 US readers each day. But only a handful are willing to pay, despite the strong dollar. It's easy with Paypal and I will introduce credit card acceptance soon.

Readers that don't pay are missing the best: Outstanding photos you can't find anywhere, detailed reviews with pictures showing the detail and quality of a scale model and many in English or easy to guess or translate with Google or Bing. Non-subscribers only see 2 % of the pictures and just 1 % of the information.

In 2016 I published 281 articles and about 2,500 photos. In the first quarter 2017 75 articles have been released.

Change in Prices

Unfortunately the European Court of Justice ruled recently that the 19 % Value Added Tax will be charged with online products. 7 % VAT are raised on printed papers in Germany, so big publishing houses (and I) expected a change. I have to pay 9.58 € of the subcription fee to the tax authority. Up to 3.53 € are charged by Paypal which is used by over 90 % of the subscribers. Hotels, meals, thousands of miles, parcel rates for loaned models, kits and models to buy, software maintenance and the photo studio etc are rising. For the rest of it, which is part of my livelihood, I have to pay income tax. Therefore I must raise the subscription rate. A year is now 87.60 €.

A one-time try-out month is the second choice. If you like spur1info just transfer 72.60 € within the trial period to receive a one year subscription. The 3-months subscription has been cancelled.

More Emphasis on Layouts

Many parties contributed to spur1info to make it the leading medium for gauge one lovers. I would like to thank

  • the loyal subscribers willing to pay for my work – meanwhile 20 to 30 hours per week, seven days a week,
  • the contributors from several countries that shared their ideas,
  • the advertisers that recognized and utilize the potential and the global reach of spur1info,
  • the producers and importers who freely delivered information, photos and samples
  • and those guys that told me that "nobody will pay for a publication on the Internet" that inspired me to prove the opposite.

Spur1-Anlage P3140482In the future spur1info will continue to report independantly, up-to-date, with competence and excellent photos, occasionly provocative and many times exclusively about the fascinating world of gauge one.

A new emphasis will be placed on gauge one layouts. Look forward to seeing unique pictures of outstanding layouts!

Yours truly
Friedhelm Weidelich


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Kommentar von Jim Stone |


Congratulations on your fifth year!! After getting the Spur 1 disease at Nurnberg several years ago, I was fortunate to have your site recommended as a resource. Now I check it frequently as your archives are invaluable especially since I have found nothing here in the US with Spur 1 information.
I encourage all the US readers to subscribe for access to the archives. It's a very inexpensive way to learn more about our great hobby and Friedhelm spends many hours researching, writing, and taking pictures. I believe all his work is worth it!! Continue the fine work Friedhelm!

Antwort von Friedhelm Weidelich


Thank you so much for your congrats and your very wise suggestion. Some more US readers would be a nice support.
