Alles Gute für 2016

, von Friedhelm Weidelich (Kommentare: 1)


spur1info wünscht einen guten Rutsch und ein glückliches, gesundes neues Jahr!

Happy New Year!

Danke für interessante Gespräche, freundliche Korrespondenzen und dass Sie spur1info weiter als kompetente Informationsquelle schätzen.

Thank you for inspiring dialogs and friendly e-mails and that you appreciate spur1info as a valuable source of information.

What Germans really love at New Year's Eve is "Dinner for One". You'll find it a dozen times on many German TV channels and on the internet. German public service TV channel "Das Erste" has an unfortunately very badly digitized (with an outdated codec) original version of 1963 online. A post-colored version is available here.

The prolog is in German: Miss Sophie is celebrating her 90th birthday with four friends that have passed away a long time ago. So butler James has to do the job for the deceased – and a very special one as well... "The same procedure as very year?"

The short piece is in English with Freddie Frinton, an Englishman who was rather fameless in his country.


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Kommentar von Michael Scheffer |

Vielen Dank Herr Weidelich,

ich wünsche Ihnen auch einen guten Rutsch ins 2016 !!


Michael Scheffer